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👃 My son STINKS SO BADLY and...a question you need to ask yourself.


A recent 5-minute chat with another hockey goalie mom began with, “Our sons stink SO BADLY after practice, and they don't even brush their teeth!”

We laughed about how we spend thousands on their orthodontics and goalie training without question, yet hesitate to invest in our own well-being.

Why do we, as moms, invest so easily in our kids but de-prioritize ourselves?

Here are common reasons:

- Guilt: We feel guilty or selfish prioritizing our needs over our kids'.

- Value Perception: We see investing in our kids as valuable but don't always recognize the numerous benefits of doing the same for ourselves.

- Time/Energy: The demands of parenting, work, and household management leave us thinking we have little time for self-care.

However, not prioritizing our own mental, emotional and physical well-being comes at a serious cost. Here's the short list of what it's costing us :

🔽Chronic Fatigue

🔽Weight Gain




🔽Loss of Identity

🔽Strained Relationships

🔽Social Isolation

🔽Lack of Personal Fulfillment

🔽Reduced Ability to be Present

So, here's the question you need to ask yourself:

Which of the above are you ignoring, and what will you do about it?

Remember, prioritizing your own well-being isn't selfish; it's essential for quality parenting and a more fulfilled and healthy life.

Decide right now 1 thing you will do to invest in your own well-being. Get specific with what, where, when, how often. Also, determine ahead of time what could get in your way and decide how you will work through that so that nothing will stop you from achieving your well-being goal!

One way to invest in your well-being is to join my virtual September Self-discovery Workshop. After just 4 hours, you will be living your life with more purpose, intention and calm. Decision making and holding firm to what's true and most important to you will become easier. You'll care less what the world wants and care more about what you want out of life. The possibilities of you achieving your ideal work+life will be within reach!

Click August Coaching Offers on the top of this page for more details & to register!

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