Are you like many professional women who want more peace, calm and flexibility as you raise your family?
You want to work and to contribute financially to your family. You are ambitious and have aspirations. But you may be afraid to change your current work situation.
At the same time, you want to make things as perfect as possible for your family and at home. You put pressure on yourself to put healthy food on the table, get them to all their sports and activities, and to be present to them. You get angry at yourself when you lose your patience and yell.
The opposing expectations and thoughts you have of yourself constantly swirl in your mind and cause you to always be “on”, leaving you feeling confused, and exhausted.
Do you see how this is a recipe for the opposite of what you want? It is causing you anxiety and frustration instead of peace and calm.
I have the solution. The solution is both the same and unique for every individual.
The solution is the same because we women have a tendency to put pressure on ourselves to serve everyone else's needs first, while downplaying or even ignoring our own. If we offer the same compassion, grace, and kindness towards ourselves that we do others, we would discover more peace, calm and flexibility in our worlds.
The solution is unique to each of us because we all have a different purpose, passions, values and strengths. We need to be clear on what these are and live in alignment with them, in order to live a life filled with peace and to give ourselves permission for more flexibility.
It's that simple, yet not so simple because we are creatures of habit and aren't always aware of our patterns of thinking that are keeping us stuck.
If you are tired of ruminating and are ready to enjoy more peace, calm and flexibility, let's talk! I am here for you and I believe you can achieve the work and life you desire for you and your family.
I invite you to a complementary discovery call. Just tell me what's on your mind. I listen and provide a recommendation. Book here: https://calendly.com/lauramcgillcoaching/45-60-minute-coaching-session