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😟 "What will people think?" How to put this fear to rest. 


One of the most common fears I hear from clients considering a career change is: "What will people think?"

Their identity is so tied to their current job that they fear judgment if they break free and pursue something new. They hold back, avoiding conversations about the things that truly inspire them because they don't have all the answers yet. What if they fail and people notice? 

A recent client faced this fear when she quit her job to follow her passion. She dreaded the "What's next?" question until her co-workers, at her farewell party, showered her with praise and gratitude. Their words gave her the confidence to openly share her next steps—and they responded with overwhelming encouragement. That support became the fuel she needed to keep pursuing her purpose.

If you're stuck in the loop of worrying, "What will people think?", ask yourself instead:

❓ What if their judgments are more about them, not me?

❓What if the people who truly matter support and love me through this?

❓What would I do if I wasn't afraid of what people thought?

Making a career change isn't easy. Sharing your goals with those you trust will be one of the keys to your success. You'll be surprised how many people will be happy for you, and their support will the catalyst to keep you moving forward! 

I'm passionate about helping people figure out what's next and then holding them accountable to go after it. If you're thinking about making a change, let's talk! Book your complimentary clarity call here:

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